Sunday, September 21, 2008

People Watching in Lipscani

It's Bucharest days (Zilele Bucurestiului) so I ventured out with the full intent of filling up on faces. I thought you might like to see some of the beautiful sights I get to see every day.


Faces of Bucharest 2008

Att: American Express Card holders. Congratulations. Your votes helpped move this fabulous charity into the top five finalists of the members' project, which guarantees them at least $100,000. Now they'd like your vote to boost them into the arena that will let them really get to work. To find out more and be linked to your ballot, follow this link to learn more about the project, then follow their link to cast your vote in the members' project finals and put them over the top.

Thanks, Shelly.


chessiakelley said...

Thanks so much for supporting International Medical Corps Shelly. We are so close! Final day to vote is Oct. 14th so fingers crossed we get 1.5 million. Thanks again!

vote here

Anonymous said...

Nice photos